Oxford Dance Camp
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ODC returns 1-10th AugUST 2025


🏳️‍🌈 News

  • Camp was wonderful! Thanks to everyone who joined us.

  • The new prices and 5-day tickets went down very well! We had 20 more campers than last year and made a small profit which will allow us to invest in camp facilities for next year.

  • Another huge thank you to everyone who has donated so generously since camp. If you would like to donate you can do so by debit/credit card or contact us to bank transfer.

Eager Camper (Oct – Dec) Early Bird (Jan – Mar) Full Price (Apr – Aug)
Adult £200 £250 £300
Baby (no ticket) Free Free Free
3-12 years old £50 £60 £70
13-17 years old £100 £125 £150
Worker £50 £70 £90
Half worker £120 £160 £200
5 day adult (limited) £170 £170 £170
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📅 Dates to Remember

Wash Up Meeting (22/09/2024)
Held in September, the ‘wash up’ meeting is for feedback and suggestions for improvements next year. Want to volunteer to run something? Let us know at the wash up!

Tickets go on sale (01/10/2024)
Early bird tickets are 30% off so get your booking in quick!

Planning Meeting (05/01/2025)
On the first Sunday after January 2nd we meet to plan for next camp, including choosing evening event themes. This year it’s online!

Catch Up Meeting (26/04/2025)
The last weekend in April sometimes brings a site jobs day and catch up meeting to see how preparations are coming together.

Early bird ticket sale ends (31/03/2025)

Site set up day (26/07/2025)
On the last weekend before camp site crew gather to start preparing the field.

Camp starts! (01/08/2025)
Always the first Friday in August, we descend on the field for 10 days of dancing, relaxation and fun!

Meetings are usually held in Oxford or online if required, 2-6pm on a Sunday. Come along to share ideas, volunteer for something or just show your support. If you would like to give feedback but cannot attend, please use our suggestions box! We value any contributions you can make to help keep camp evolving.